
I’ve put together Fall 2012 demo reel which includes recent work from my three short films and other freelance projects!

New Film Character Design

Here’s a sort of preview of the character design in my new film I’m making! And here’s a sort of preview of some more concept designs I’d done. Aw man, I can’t wait to get going on animating this. I think this is going to be a crazy next two months.

Skeleton Nerd

Playing with Photoshop gif making while doodlin’ skeletons is more fun than it sounds.


Here is the flash film I tackled in the last small stretch of my Classical Animation program at  the Vancouver Film School. This was my first time even approaching Flash, and it was really a surprising amount of fun to try to figure out. I can’t wait to tackle something else with it now that… Continue reading Hildisvíni

Sask & Girl

This is the film I spent about four months working on during my Vancouver Film School Classical Animation program. This project, while a ton of work, was one of the most enjoyable undertakings I’ve taken on start to finish. It’s such an incredible feeling to draw some doodles that over time take on some semblance… Continue reading Sask & Girl

Graduation Poster

This Friday is the big day, where my lovely class gets to showcase the fruits of their labors in front of a full theatre of people! I had the opportunity to create our grad poster, which was a really fun privilege; this is such a fun group of people to draw.   Hopefully everyone enjoys… Continue reading Graduation Poster

Woah, I have a site!

Well, I finally took the plunge and got a website for my artwork. All of my future animation and illustration work will be hosted here from now on, so enjoy!